Regarder les Fleurs

Regarder les Fleurs

Overflowing with energy, with blooms without reason or order, Duda Moraes's canvases seem at first glance to abound in our senses: satisfaction of an exoticism if not joyful, at least immediately lively and colorful, restless yet exultant. But, and this is the title of this 2023 series, Duda Moraes also invites us to "Look at the Flowers". That is to say, to stop, to move away from preconceived images and tropical clichés, from the registry and calendars of art and emotion. And what we then see is quite different: it is the gestures, movements, and thicknesses, the substances, the thrusts, the sketches, the impatience, the indecisions, and the firmnesses: a whole chthonian activity and theatricality on the canvas that supports the floral. And the thought. Work and germination, a visceral abstraction, something beneath the color

Year: 2024
Media: Acrylic and oil on canvas

Polyptych for the exhibition "Entre force er fragilité e a continuação do gesto"

** Happening now ** artistic creation for the Carnaval des 2 Rives in Bordeaux, which will take place on March 9, 2025.

Duda Moraes